
The Art of Hospital Corners

Ever heard the saying "it's the little things in life"? Well that is very true for me. Getting all greens on the way to work, making the perfect cup of coffee, 70-degree blue skies, etc. I get a lot of joy out of the details. One of the things I love is a freshly made bed. I always sleep so much better when the sheets are perfect.

Although that previous paragraph is entirely true and sounds extra Martha Stewart-ish .. please don't get me wrong. I never get all greens. I tend to drink slightly-less-than-perfect coffee. I'm always stuck in my cubicle on those 70-degree days. And my bed?

I'm going to be really honest with you:  I have always been taught you should wash your sheets once a week. Yeah, this doesn't happen. I'm lucky I get all of our laundry done and put away once a week .. and there is only two of us! I just DO NOT like laundry. I will wash it all day long but I hate putting it away. So seeing as clothes are far more important than sheets, I always save the sheets for last.  If I have the energy and that time .. they get washed.  If I don't .. they don't.  With that being said .. I average 1-2 times per month.  I'm sorry if that grosses some of you out.  We shower regularly and work desk jobs.  I just don't feel like it's all that bad.

Seeing as how I just admitted to you how non-Martha-ish I am, I'm going to let you in on one of my little secrets.  Sometimes if you just take the extra time to do something really well and thoroughly .. the results last a lot longer and you have to do it less often.  I will gladly spend an extra 3-5 minutes on the following task if it gives me an extra week or two of laziness.  The task I am referring to is making the bed.

The trigger for "omg I need to change these sheets NOW" is when they just start to get all rumpled and out of sorts.  I "make the bed" every day but straightening the sheets is far different from remaking it from scratch (which you obviously only do when you replace the linens.)  I've learned that if I do really well the first time then the non-rumpled feeling lasts longer.  So if you are even slightly like me and want to know how to keep a bed fresh-feeling longer.  Here's is a how-to guide on the art of hospital corners:

1. Spread the flat sheet out on the mattress that already has the fitted sheet on the bottom and center it. Place the top end of the sheet about 1 inch from the edge of the mattress at the head of the bed.

2. At the foot of the bed, lift the mattress and pull the top sheet snugly under the mattress. Do this at both sides of the bed so that the top sheet is firmly tucked under the mattress.

3. "Eyeball" a line from the corner of the mattress to the side edge of the sheet that is hanging down. This imaginary line should be at about a 45 degree angle.

4. . Using this imaginary line pick up the edge of the sheet at the "sweet spot". This will be the only spot where you pick up the sheet from now on.

5. Fold the sheet back over the mattress. It helps if you put your free hand on the edge of the mattress and fold the sheet over it.

6. Tuck in the sheet on the side of the bed that is hanging below the mattress. It should look like a little triangle and that is what gets tucked under the mattress.

7. Pick up the edge of the sheet again, right on the "sweet spot". Put your free hand on the side of the mattress this time. Bring the sheet down over your hand.

8. And there you go!  A perfectly made bed that will hopefully buy you some extra laziness.  Just throw your duvet or comforter on top and you're done.  Once you do this a time or two it honestly doesn't take long at all; an extra 3-5 minutes max.

Do you make your bed this way?  Do you wash your sheets weekly? More? Less?  Am I totally gross because I only change them once or twice a month? (Don't answer that last one ;) )

1 comment:

  1. I wash mine like you do....so I might be gross too! I do my corners similar. Mine are just square with a straight line instead of a triangle :)


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