About This Blog

Do you know the saying "there's an elephant in the room"? Well, seeing as communication is really important, my husband and I decided to never allow there to be any "elephants" in our home. We promised to always share what was on our mind .. the good, the bad and the ugly; to always be a house without elephants.

I had that philosophy in mind when I created House Without Elephants.  I wanted a space to share my thoughts and my passions with readers.  I wanted a space where I could express myself and not have to worry about the "elephants" in my life.  This is my journey.

My name is Jessie.  I am married to my best friend, Mark, from high school and we are in our late twenties.  We don't have any children yet but we do have our "four-legged first born" named Merlin.  He is a Border Collie-Rottweiler mix that we rescued right after we got married. 

Welcome to my life.  I hope you enjoy the ride as much as I am.

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