~ I had to go to the dentist yesterday and get a couple fillings. This leads to a few confessions:
My ego took a HUGE hit when I was told a had cavities. I felt like I had disappointed my dentist or something. I know .. weird but true.
Due to being a redhead, I have a high pain tolerance AND a high resistance to certain pain medications. (Apparently, the gene mutation that gave me red hair also messed with my pain receptors or something .. it's true though and pretty common among true gingers.) We learned the hard way (after a bad car accident in high school) that muscle relaxers and prescription pain killers just don't affect me. My doctor was prescribing me the highest dose possible and it just wasn't touching the pain. I guess that's why my resistance is paired with tolerance ... God knew what he was doing.
With all that being said, Novocaine is on the my list of resistant meds. This made me extremely anxious yesterday when I was getting work done. Let me put it in perspective .. The average person (according to my dentist) gets administered one vile of Novocain in 2-3 shots. I required four viles. F-O-U-R. That meant lots of sticks AND I had already mostly fallen out of the anesthesia by the time he finished so, had he gone on longer .. I might have needed more. I should have still been numb at bedtime last night due to the amount I received .. alas I was back to normal before dinnertime.
Knowing I am that resistant made me anxious. I do not have any anxiety about the dentist in general .. in fact I LIKE the dentist .. but nerve pain ain't nothing to play with. I guess my uncomfortableness was obvious because the nurse tech kept asking me if I was ok and I kept saying yes. She then leaned down and said "then why are you white-knuckling it? Your fingers are purple". haha yep .. I had clasped my hands so hard in anticipation of pain that I was cutting off the blood supply. Way to go, Jess. Good job NOT embarrassing yourself.
~ In other non-dental related news....
I am going to Asheville this weekend with some ladies from my church. I am expecting to have an amazing weekend due to this. Asheville is one of my Top 3 favorite cities and the girls from my church are awesome. :) I'm leaving Friday morning and coming back on Sunday. I.Can't.Wait.
Since I am leaving Friday, I took the day off work (obviously). Why do short weeks always feel like the longest!?
So what are YOUR confessions this week?
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