
Weekend Outlook: The Single Girl Edition

 Normally I write a post with a specific topic in mind.  I don't feel like it today.  I guess if I have to label it then we will go with "weekend".

Mark left this morning for a guys' weekend in the mountains.  He really deserves the mini-vacation so I am happy for him.  That means, however, that I will be single until Sunday. 

Mark is definitely not one to get in the way when I am trying to clean or organize or anything but yet I always get excited when this weekend rolls around annually.  I get the chance to not cook full meals, organize/clean at whim, and read hours on end.  It's my own little retreat, too.

I set out yesterday making my to-do list for the weekend; a list of all the things I wanted to accomplish on my own timetable and without distraction.  Unfortunately, everything might not get done as I planned (surprise. surprise.) because I woke up this morning with a cold.  Right now I am just looking forward to quickly swinging by Target for a couple things and then going home to bed.  NOT how I planned to start my weekend.  I am kind of bummed about it because I haven't been sick since April.  I was hoping to go a full year but no cigar. Maybe I will get a second wind when I get home.

Nevertheless, I have a to-do list and I am sticking to do.  I may not complete the whole thing but at least some is better than none.  In the spirit of organizing my thoughts and making myself accountable to my goals, here is my to do list as it stands now:

~ Read 1 book (maybe 2)
~ Detail inside of my car
~ Start (complete?) taxes online
Deodorize/clean carpet
~ Finish organizing and decorating the guest suite and "lounge"* from the room swap a couple weeks ago
~ Come up with an appetizer for the Super Bowl party (and then attend said party)
~ Laundry
~ Come up with menu/grocery list for the week
~ Clean the house (dust, bathrooms, etc.)
~ Go to a birthday party for a little friend that is turning 1 (this depends on the sick status .. no need to spread germs!)
~ Go to Target for items to complete tasks above.

I think that is about it.  There are ton of little individual tasks on my written list in front of me but they all generally fall under the categories above.  Honestly, the list is totally doable.  It's actually pretty doable with a cold (minus the birthday party) but you never know.  I may wake up tomorrow healed or I may wake up feeling dead.  We'll see. 

The point of all this is that I plan on having a productive, happy weekend.  I wish the same for all of you. Whether you are hammering out a to-do list like me or just want to sit on the couch for 48 hours...  I hope it's everything you want it to be.  I will report back and let you know how I did.  Happy Weekend!

* Ever since the man room moved downstairs it has kind of lost it's exclusivity.  It's not longer separated from the main living space and so "man room" or "man cave" just doesn't feel appropriate.  Right now it holds two lounge chairs, a bookcase and a small beer fridge.  (It used to have a couch, TV, etc but those were repurposed for other rooms)  Since its main purpose right now is reading or listening to music, we jokingly deemed it "The Lounge" .... and it kind of stuck.  It's embarrassing but we really just don't know what to call it.  So with my tongue firmly planted in my cheek .. I will now be referring to the former office as "The Lounge".

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