Unwind by Neal Shusterman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I already had a heart for dystopian novels before I came across Unwind but this took it to an entirely new level. It's creepy and thought-provoking in its realism. Usually the "World War 3"s of dystopian novels are so futuristic, and the results so drastic, that although disturbing they leave a considerable gap that can be a stretch to bridge sometimes. Unwind was different in that it hit a little closer to home.
This story is set in the not-so-distant future. "World War 3" in this instance was a Pro-Life vs Pro-Choice war called the Heartland War. The result was a "compromise" that resulted in parents being given the 'right' to unwind their
Have eyes you don't like the color off? Get an unwound's. Have a cancerous liver? Get an unwound's. Lose an arm in an accident? Get an unwound's. Nevermind they were unwillingly taken and come with their own memories intact.
This story is facinating and disturbing. The part that gave me the most pause was when we experienced an unwinding through the senses of a patient. This is technically a YA novel but it has a message that anyone should read. I loved this book and I won't soon forget it.
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I'm obsessed with YA distopian lit. I took any entire class on it a couple of years ago. If you like distopian stuff and haven't ever read it, check out "Feed" and/or the "Uglies" series. There was another series that was AMAZING, but I'm having a hard time placing the title at this exact minute. I may have to borrow this one from you at some point..... :)