When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Most of my other five-star books left me in a sort of euphoria for a little bit after finishing them. They just gave me a high that I love. This book didn't do that. Instead of some euphoric cloud and a book-shaped hole in my heart, I was left with total peace. I am not quite sure why but I wish it happened more often.
I originally spotted this book as a potential "to read" and, as I perused all of the reviews, I noticed everyone comparing it to A Wrinkle in Time. Since I had never read AWiT, I thought I would start there first. I strongly recommend you do this as well.
I read AWiT and it was good but not amazing. I think it's a great book but not one that is necessarily worth reading twice. (If you are an avid fan, and there are many of you out there, don't kill me for that statement.) Since my experience was less than stellar, my hopes weren't very high for When You Reach Me.
This book started out differently for me. The journey was more of a slow-burn. If you read A Wrinkle in Time and you loved it, you will most likely love this one too. If you couldn't stand it .. well you know where I am going with that. I think, for me, I just connected with the characters more in WYRM. The story flowed a little better. I cared more.
I am a math/puzzle person. If you are too then you will probably understand this: You know that feeling you get when you finally solve that problem/puzzle that has been bothering you? The total sense of peace because you figured it out? That's the kind of peace I was refering to. If you are anything like me, I encourage you to read this book. It's meant for children but that doesn't mean it's not satisfying to adults, too.
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