Paper Towns by John Green
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Let me start off my saying that if I had read this at 16 it would have been both profound and inspiring. But I didn't. And it wasn't. That is not to say it isn't a good book because it is. It's just not epic.
First part of the story: This was definitely a little bit epic. I thought the beginning was really well written. It ropes you into the story and I think you would be hard-pressed to find someone who didn't enjoy it. So cool.
Second part/majority of the story: The "searching" part of the story houses all the seemingly profound statements. I may be a little too harsh in this criticism since this is a teen novel and I am no longer a teen. My lack of awe is due to my world being a lot bigger than a 16 year olds. Maybe that's the problem. I was amused during this point but I was not floored. There were some very good observations made, though.
Third part/conclusion of the story: Speaking of well-made observations in the story .. Margo mentions at one point that the "planning" is the best part and once you actually follow through.. it's not all that great. That's how this part felt for me. The rest of the book was the planning, and it was exciting and fun, and then when the plan unfolded (aka found Margo) it was a total letdown. I deducted an entire star for this part. Seriously. Yes, I am so glad they found her but OMG she is terrible! I, too, had built a mirror of Margo in my mind. I think we all did as readers. Did anyone else become disgusted with her? Even after she "explained" herself to Q after everyone stormed out .. I just didn't care anymore. She was the most selfish person ever and it ruined everything. No, I didn't want her to go back to Florida. Yes, I wanted her to be a touch eccentric. But seriously! Your friends clearly drove a long way to find you (even if you didn't intend for that to happen) and you go off on them? Get. Over. Yourself.
I am glad I read this book because I thoroughly enjoyed it until the last few pages. It would have gotten 5-stars from me had she not been a total wench to everyone. That one-half-page scene where she goes off on Lacey and the other two guys just was too much. Sorry. I do recommend this book, though, because I realize I am probably in the minority. To each his own.
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